NATO has made it clear that each NATO member country needs to be resilient to resist and recover from a major shock, such as a natural disaster, failure of critical infrastructure, or a hybrid or armed attack. Resilience is a society’s ability to resist and recover from such shocks and combines both civil preparedness and military capacity. This overarching requirement encompasses resilient supply chains, resilient infrastructure systems, and resilience against disinformation. Watch Ukraine in Flames #660 to find out about international experiences in enhancing security resilience and adapting them to Ukraine’s wartime conditions, focusing on how the security system can adjust to new challenges.


Mati Raidma, Member of The Estonian Parliament, Expert of Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid, Head of Estonian Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Peter Hauge Berg, Deputy Head of the NATO Representation to Ukraine
Dmytro Teperik, Leading Expert on civic resilience, Director-General at the NGO “Resilient Ukraine”

Джерело: Ukraine Media Centre