Громадська організація “Євроатлантичний курс”: Євроатлантичні цінності передусім

“EuroAtlantic Course” — EAC:
Committed to EuroAtlantic Values

Goals and directions of activity

In 2019 Ukraine formally embedded its Euro-Atlantic course in the Constitution of the country, making membership in NATO and the EU strategic foreign and security policy objectives.

A sovereign, independent and prosperous Ukraine, firmly committed to democracy and the rule of law, is key to realising the vision of the Revolution of Dignity and contributing to Euro-Atlantic security.

Relations between NATO and Ukraine date back to the early 1990s and have since developed into one of the most substantial of NATO’s partnerships. In 2020 Ukraine was granted Enhanced Opportunity Partnership.

Ukraine is a priority partner for the European Union. The Association Agreement (AA) and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) were signed in 2014 and the relationship is broad and deep.

Ukraine has a firm basis upon which to build enduring political ties, stronger security, economic and people to people links; military interoperability and to work to integrate Ukraine and Ukrainians fully into the Euro-Atlantic community of common values.

“Euro-Atlantic Course” is a non political, non-governmental organization whose purpose is to inform, catalyze, challenge and enable ideas, policies and practices to accelerate and sustain Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic journey.

Our goal

Our objective is to provide a Euro-Atlantic hub — a trusted and credible focal point to concentrate common effort; mobilize partners and stakeholders; engage public, private sector and government.

Latest News

The public organization “EuroAtlantic Course” continues the implementation of the fourth project “Ensuring Ukraine’s European Integration Course by Increasing the Volume of Expert and Informational Support to the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on EU Integration”

The public organization “EuroAtlantic Course” continues the implementation of the fourth project “Ensuring Ukraine’s European Integration Course by Increasing the Volume of Expert and Informational Support to the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on EU Integration”

Громадська організація “Євроатлантичний курс” продовжує реалізацію четвертого проєкту «Забезпечення євроінтеграційного курсу України шляхом збільшення обсягу експертно-інформаційної підтримки Комітету Верховної Ради України з питань інтеграції до ЄС» за підтримки Міжнародного фонду «Відродження».

We will do this through an objective, candid and factual assessment of progress and challenges; informed by reliable and comprehensive analysis; practical options; instruments and innovative approaches to advance Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic course. We will provide a focal point for trusted information; stakeholder engagement and a horizon of hope for the aspirations of the Ukrainian people. Our objective is not simply to advance Euro-Atlantic policies, but to change culture within the legislative and executive branches of power and wider society. We will work to promote greater inclusivity, transparency and accountability. Our Euro-Atlantic course is a whole of Ukraine endeavour.

Our mission is unity for a better future. We will be an instrument of change and social cohesion by working together to create a strong, innovative, creative and resilient Ukraine, where everyone has the freedom and societal conditions, rooted in the rule of law, to pursue their ambitions and aspirations. We will work to replace words with actions. We are not an advocacy organization. Our contribution to the Euro-Atlantic course will be provided in effective engagement and positive, progressive and measurable outcomes for Ukrainians.

We bring rich practical experience to the Euro-Atlantic Course as practitioners in the executive and legislative branches of government. We have a deep appreciation of the role and workings of Ukraine’s dynamic civil society. We know that integrating, institutionalizing and sustaining change and transformation requires understanding of people’s every day experiences and expectations. Our work will be informed by frank and honest assessment of Ukraine’s needs and priorities. While we recognise the profound contribution of our international friends and partners, these priorities will not be donor driven. They will be Ukrainian generated and owned.

Our working principle and methodology will be rooted in a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches. Gender equality; diversity and inclusivity will be the lens through which we mainstream all aspects of our organization and work. The national interest of Ukraine will be the enduring corner-stone which defines our priorities.

Our priorities

Protection and projection of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine by: countering hybrid threats and disinformation, enhancing defence capabilities and reforming the military industrial base of Ukraine.

Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine through the systematic introduction and institutionalization of EU and NATO principles and standards; culture, values and processes in political, parliamentary, economic, social, legal, security sector and defence fields.

Promote peace and human security in Ukraine through de-occupation and demilitarization, including humanitarian mine action.

Ensure inclusive, whole of Ukrainian society solutions, including through the Introduction of effective gender-equality policies in Ukraine.

Change and transformation are complex, difficult whole of society and long term efforts. We will develop options and new approaches to meet challenges, shortcomings and failures that we expose. We will provide detailed expert analysis of policies, programmes, legislation regulations and assessment of the effectiveness of implementation measured in terms of positive, accountable and measurable impact for citizens.

Enable and consolidate Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic course through analysis, review, promotion and communication of the best Euro-Atlantic practices in justice, the rule of law, integrity, security sector reform, economic modernization and good governance with a view to developing relevant ‘Euro-Atlantic consistent -fit for Ukraine’ options, recommendations and approaches.