Summer of Capitulation Shift | Member of the Supervisory Board NGO ”EuroAtlantic Course” Andrius Kubilius

Summer of Capitulation Shift | Member of the Supervisory Board NGO ”EuroAtlantic Course” Andrius Kubilius

Capitulation has happened. There are major political shifts taking place in America, both in the short term and in the long term. It is difficult to predict what they will bring. In the short term, only one thing is clear – Kamala Harry is predictable, Donald Trump is unpredictable.

Will Lithuania start building an anti-Putin Western coalition to implement Russia’s anti-Putin strategy? | Member of the Supervisory Board NGO ”EAC” Andrius Kubilius

Will Lithuania start building an anti-Putin Western coalition to implement Russia’s anti-Putin strategy? | Member of the Supervisory Board NGO ”EAC” Andrius Kubilius

We must seek to finally consolidate an anti-Putin coalition in the West, with a clear anti-Putin strategy, in which the victory of Ukraine and the defeat of Russia must be the top priority.
This time, I have tried to put my thoughts into a coherent 12 points.

Differences In The West: Do You Or Do You Not Believe That Russia Can Become A Democracy In The Future? | Member of the Supervisory Board NGO ”EAC” Andrius Kubilius

Differences In The West: Do You Or Do You Not Believe That Russia Can Become A Democracy In The Future? | Member of the Supervisory Board NGO ”EAC” Andrius Kubilius

When we observe and analyse the West’s support for Ukraine, we sometimes see a lot of hesitation, questionable arguments and indecision. I believe that much of this behaviour by the West is linked to its attitude towards Russia. There is a fundamental difference between those who believe and those who do not believe that Russia can become a democracy.