In the first weeks after the full-scale invasion Ukraine managed to maintain the stable operation of communications, banks and energy. This stability during the war was taken for granted, and concerns about infrastructure did not return until late 2022, associated with massive shelling of energy facilities. Kyivstar, the largest telecommunications operator and one of the largest taxpayers in the country, became the first victim of a new large-scale hacker attack. Watch Ukraine in flames #574 to find out about the aftermath of the significant Kyivstar hack and the unprecedented cyber challenges confronting Ukraine and Europe.


Serhiy Haiduk, CEO of SPECVUZAVTOMATIKA company
Pavlo Skladannyi, Head of the Department of Information and Cyber Security at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University

00:00 – Intro
02:49 – (Haiduk) “Lessons from Kyivstar hack”
07:25 – (Skladannyi) “Unprecedented cyber challenges”
12:17 – Outro
